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Welcome to the Signalyzer Documentation#


signalyzer is a Python package to analyze and process time-discrete, equidistant measured signals, and visualize them with the open source Plotly library for Python.

Main features of the signalyzer package are

  • transform and combine measured signals into a new one

  • descriptive statistics over the measured signal

  • interactive plotting of the measured signal with Plotly

  • integrating (accumulating) of the measured signal

  • differentiating of the measured signal

  • clipping of the measured signal

  • rate limiting of the measured signal

  • filtering of the measured signal

  • logical operations between measured signals

  • prioritizing measured logic signals with a priority encoder

  • smoothing of the measured signal with statistics

  • process measured signals with a moving window

  • moving averages with window statistics

  • moving differentiation

  • moving OLS linear regression with window statistics

  • shifting (moving) of the measured signal

  • slicing of the measured signal

  • evaluate statemachine transitions observed by measured state signal


The signalyzer package is best used within the JupyterLab web-based interactive development environment for Jupyter notebooks or with Plotly Dash or Jupyter voila to build standalone web applications and dashboards.


The signalyzer package runs on Python 3.9 or higher, and depends on the external packages

  • numpy for mathematical computations

  • scipy for signal processing and signal statistics computations

  • pandas for data import and statistic computations

  • plotly for visualizations


You can get the latest version of the signalyzer package directly from the PyPI package registry on GitLab:

You can get the latest release of the signalyzer package directly from PyPI:

pip install signalyzer


The signalyzer package comes with two modules.

The trace module for transforming, processing, analyzing and plotting time-discrete, equidistant signals.


The signalyzer.trace module is imported into the package namespace.

The statemachine module for evaluating and plotting state transitions of a state machine observed by a time-discrete, equidistant signal.


The signalyzer.statemachine module is imported into the package namespace.