Vector Traces#

The vector trace collection is used to transform the signal samples of two signal traces representing the x and y-coordinates of the 2-dimensional points within the cartesian coordinate system into polar coordinate traces representing the radius and the angle of the vectors in the polar coordinate system.

Polar Transformation of two Traces#

You can transform with the polar() function the signal samples of two signal traces representing the x and y-coordinates of the 2-dimensional points within the cartesian coordinate system into polar coordinate signal traces for the radius and angle of the vectors in the polar coordinate system.

A dict with the produced signal traces is returned.

>>> polar(x=Trace('Signal', [1, 0, -1, 0]), y=[0, 1, 0, -1])
{'r': Trace(label='Vector:r',
            samples=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]),
 'phi': Trace(label='Vector:phi',
 'theta': Trace(label='Vector:theta',
                samples=[0.0, 90.0, 180.0, 270.0])}

Create the Trace Collection#

You can create a vector trace collection without x,y-coordinates by calling the VectorTraces class.

>>> # create an empty vector trace collection
>>> traces = VectorTraces()
>>> traces
VectorTraces(x=Trace(label='Trace', samples=[]),
             y=Trace(label='Trace', samples=[]),
             r=Trace(label='Vector:r', samples=[]),
             phi=Trace(label='Vector:phi', samples=[]),
             theta=Trace(label='Vector:theta', samples=[]),
             distance=Trace(label='Vector:distance', samples=[]),
             dot=Trace(label='Vector:dot', samples=[]))

Number of Traces#

You can get the number of the traces in the VectorTraces collection with the built-in function len().

>>> # number of traces in the collection
>>> len(traces)

Names of the Traces#

You can get the list with the names of the traces in the VectorTraces collection.

A list with the key names of the traces is returned.

>>> # key names of the traces in the collection
>>> list(traces)
['x', 'y', 'r', 'phi', 'theta', 'distance', 'dot']
>>> # key names of the traces in the collection
>>> list(traces.keys())
['x', 'y', 'r', 'phi', 'theta', 'distance', 'dot']

x-Coordinate Trace#

You can get the vector x-coordinate Trace with the x attribute from the VectorTraces collection.

The Trace with the vector x-coordinates is returned.

>>> # vector x-coordinate trace by attribute
>>> traces.x
Trace(label='Trace', samples=[])
>>> # vector x-coordinate trace by key
>>> traces['x']
Trace(label='Trace', samples=[])

y-Coordinate Trace#

You can get the vector y-coordinateTrace with the y attribute from the VectorTraces collection.

The Trace with the vector y-coordinates is returned.

>>> # vector y-coordinate trace by attribute
>>> traces.y
Trace(label='Trace', samples=[])
>>> # vector y-coordinate trace by key
>>> traces['y']
Trace(label='Trace', samples=[])

Radius Trace#

You can get the vector radius Trace with the r attribute from the VectorTraces collection.

The Trace with the vector radii computed from the x-coordinate, y-coordinate samples is returned.

>>> # radius trace by attribute
>>> traces.r
Trace(label='Vector:r', samples=[])
>>> # radius trace by key
>>> traces['r']
Trace(label='Vector:r', samples=[])

Angle Trace in Radians#

You can get the vector angle Trace from \(-\pi\) to \(+\pi\) with the phi attribute from the VectorTraces collection.

The Trace with the vector angles in radians computed from the x-coordinate, y-coordinate samples is returned.

>>> # vector angle trace in radians by attribute
>>> traces.phi
Trace(label='Vector:phi', samples=[])
>>> # vector angle trace in radians by key
>>> traces['phi']
Trace(label='Vector:phi', samples=[])

Angle Trace in Degree#

You can get the vector angle Trace from 0 to 360 degree with the theta attribute from the VectorTraces collection.

The Trace with the vector angles in degree computed from the x-coordinate, y-coordinate samples is returned.

>>> # vector angle trace in degree by attribute
>>> traces.theta
Trace(label='Vector:theta', samples=[])
>>> # vector angle trace in degree by key
>>> traces['theta']
Trace(label='Vector:theta', samples=[])

Euclidean Distance Trace#

You can get the euclidean distance Trace with the distance attribute from the VectorTraces collection.

The Trace with the euclidean distances of the consecutive x,y-points computed from the x-coordinate, y-coordinate samples is returned.

>>> # euclidean distance trace by attribute
>>> traces.distance
Trace(label='Vector:distance', samples=[])
>>> # euclidean distance trace by key
>>> traces['distance']
Trace(label='Vector:distance', samples=[])

Dot Product Trace#

You can get the dot product Trace with the dot attribute from the VectorTraces collection.

The Trace with the dot products of the consecutive x,y-points computed from the x-coordinate, y-coordinate samples is returned.

>>> # dot product trace by attribute
Trace(label='Vector:dot', samples=[])
>>> # dot product trace by key
>>> traces['dot']
Trace(label='Vector:dot', samples=[])

Create a Polar Plot#

You can create a polar plot of the VectorTraces by calling the method plot().

A new plotly Scatterpolar trace is returned.

>>> VectorTraces(Trace('x', [1, 0, -1, 0.5]),
...              Trace('y', [0, 0.75, 0, -0.5])).plot()
    'mode': 'lines+markers',
    'name': 'Vector',
    'r': [1.0, 0.75, 1.0, 0.7071067811865476],
    'theta': [0.0, 90.0, 180.0, 315.0]

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