Source code for signalyzer.trace

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module contains a trace to analyze, process, visualize time-discrete measured

:copyright: (c) 2021-2023 by Jochen Gerhaeusser.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details
from __future__ import annotations

import math
import operator
import statistics as stats
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import (
    asdict, astuple, dataclass, field, fields, Field, replace)
from itertools import (
    accumulate, chain, islice, repeat, tee)
from typing import (
    Any, Callable,
    Iterable, Iterator,
    Mapping, MutableMapping,
    Sequence, MutableSequence,

import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
from scipy.stats.mstats import winsorize

# module exports
__all__ = [
    'Number', 'Sample', 'Samples', 'Operand', 'DataFrame',
    'Trace', 'vectorize',
    'logical_and', 'logical_or', 'priority',
    'Traces', 'as_traces',
    'VectorTraces', 'polar',
    'SetTraces', 'combine',

#: Numeric type
Number: TypeAlias = Union[bool, int, float]

#: Sample type
Sample: TypeAlias = Union[Number, str]

#: Samples type
Samples: TypeAlias = Union[MutableSequence[Sample], Iterable[Sample], Iterable[None]]

#: Operand type
Operand: TypeAlias = Union[Iterable[Number], Number]

#: Data frame type
DataFrame: TypeAlias = Mapping[str, Iterable[Sample]]

# Signum function
sign = np.sign

def _pairwise(trace: (Iterator[Number] |
                      Sequence[Number] |
                      Trace)) -> Iterator[tuple[Number, Number]]:
    """ Returns a pairwise iterator for the signal :attr:`~Trace.samples` in a

    :param trace: trace to iterate
    a, b = tee(trace)
    next(b, None)
    return zip(a, b)

def _clip(value: float | int,
          lower: float | int | None,
          upper: float | int | None) -> float | int:
    """ Returns the *value* limited between the *lower* and *upper* bound.

    .. note:: The *upper* bound is dominant over the *lower* bound.

    :param float | int value: value to clip
    :param float | int lower: optional value of the lower bound or ``None``
    :param float | int upper: optional value of the upper bound or ``None``
    if lower is None and upper is None:
        # no bound
        return value
    elif upper is None:
        # lower bound
        return max(value, lower)
    elif lower is None:
        # upper bound
        return min(value, upper)
        # both bounds
        return min(upper, max(lower, value))

def _clamp(value: float | int,
           bound: float | int) -> float | int:
    """ Returns the *value* symmetrically clamped at the *bound*.

    :param float | int value: value to clamp
    :param float | int bound: bound to clamp at
    bound = abs(bound)
    return _clip(value, -bound, bound)

[docs]def vectorize(operand: Operand) -> Samples: """ Returns for an :class:`int`, :class:`float`, :class:`bool` or number literal :class:`str` *operand* an endless iterator, otherwise the *operand* is returned unchanged. :param Operand operand: operand to vectorize """ if operand is None: return repeat(None) if isinstance(operand, (int, float, bool)): # create number iterator return repeat(operand) if isinstance(operand, str): try: # create number iterator from literal return repeat(int(operand, 0)) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"Sample literal '{operand}' is not a number.") return operand
[docs]@dataclass class IIRFilter: """ The :class:`IIRFilter` class is a factory for a second-order recursive linear infinite impulse response filter, also known as *SOS-IIR filter*. The transfer function :math:`H(z)` with normalized filter coefficients of a second-order IIR filter is defined as follows: :math:`H(z) = \\frac{b_0 + b_1 \\cdot z^{-1} + b_2 \\cdot z^{-2}} {1 + a_1 \\cdot z^{-1} + a_2 \\cdot z^{-2}}` """ #: Normalized feedforward filter coefficient b0: float #: Normalized feedforward filter coefficient (1st-order) b1: float #: Normalized feedforward filter coefficient (2nd-order) b2: float #: Normalized feedback filter coefficient (1st-order) a1: float #: Normalized feedback filter coefficient (2nd-order) a2: float #: Sum of the 1st-feedback stage of the SOS-IIR filter s1: float = 0.0 #: Sum of the 2nd-feedback stage of the SOS-IIR filter s2: float = 0.0
[docs] @classmethod def band_pass(cls, dt: float, f0: float, q: float = 1 / math.sqrt(2)) -> IIRFilter: """ Creates a digital second-order IIR band-pass filter with normalized filter coefficients for the given sampling-time *dt*, center frequency *f0* and quality factor *q* of the filter. :param float dt: sampling-time of the filter in seconds :param float f0: center frequency of the filter in Hertz :param float q: inverse of bandwidth factor of the filter """ omega = 2 * math.pi * f0 * dt alpha = math.sin(omega) / (2 * q) # filter coefficients numerator b0 = alpha b1 = 0 b2 = -alpha # filter coefficients denominator a0 = 1 + alpha a1 = -2 * math.cos(omega) a2 = 1 - alpha # second-order IIR filter with normalized filter coefficients return cls(b0 / a0, b1 / a0, b2 / a0, a1 / a0, a2 / a0)
[docs] @classmethod def low_pass(cls, dt: float, f0: float, q: float = 1 / math.sqrt(2)) -> IIRFilter: """ Creates a digital second-order IIR low-pass filter with normalized filter coefficients for the given sampling-time *dt*, cutoff frequency *f0* and quality factor *q* of the filter. :param float dt: sampling-time of the filter in seconds :param float f0: cutoff frequency of the filter in Hertz :param float q: inverse of bandwidth factor of the filter """ omega = 2 * math.pi * f0 * dt alpha = math.sin(omega) / (2 * q) # filter coefficients numerator b0 = (1 - math.cos(omega)) / 2 b1 = 1 - math.cos(omega) b2 = b0 # filter coefficients denominator a0 = 1 + alpha a1 = -2 * math.cos(omega) a2 = 1 - alpha # second-order IIR filter with normalized filter coefficients return cls(b0 / a0, b1 / a0, b2 / a0, a1 / a0, a2 / a0)
[docs] @classmethod def high_pass(cls, dt: float, f0: float, q: float = 1 / math.sqrt(2)) -> IIRFilter: """ Creates a digital second-order IIR high-pass filter with normalized filter coefficients for the given sampling-time *dt*, cutoff frequency *f0* and quality factor *q* of the filter. :param float dt: sampling-time of the filter in seconds :param float f0: cutoff frequency of the filter in Hertz :param float q: inverse of bandwidth factor of the filter """ omega = 2 * math.pi * f0 * dt alpha = math.sin(omega) / (2 * q) # filter coefficients numerator b0 = (1 + math.cos(omega)) / 2 b1 = -(1 + math.cos(omega)) b2 = b0 # filter coefficients denominator a0 = 1 + alpha a1 = -2 * math.cos(omega) a2 = 1 - alpha # second-order IIR filter with normalized filter coefficients return cls(b0 / a0, b1 / a0, b2 / a0, a1 / a0, a2 / a0)
[docs] @classmethod def notch(cls, dt: float, f0: float, q: float = 1 / math.sqrt(2)) -> IIRFilter: """ Creates a digital second-order IIR notch filter with normalized filter coefficients for the given sampling-time *dt*, center frequency *f0* and quality factor *q* of the filter. :param float dt: sampling-time of the filter in seconds :param float f0: center frequency of the filter in Hertz :param float q: inverse of bandwidth factor of the filter """ omega = 2 * math.pi * f0 * dt alpha = math.sin(omega) / (2 * q) # filter coefficients numerator b0 = 1 b1 = -2 * math.cos(omega) b2 = b0 # filter coefficients denominator a0 = 1 + alpha a1 = -2 * math.cos(omega) a2 = 1 - alpha # second-order IIR filter with normalized filter coefficients return cls(b0 / a0, b1 / a0, b2 / a0, a1 / a0, a2 / a0)
[docs] @classmethod def all_pass(cls, dt: float, f0: float, q: float = 1 / math.sqrt(2)) -> IIRFilter: """ Creates a digital second-order IIR all-pass filter with normalized filter coefficients for the given sampling-time *dt*, center frequency *f0* and quality factor *q* of the filter. :param float dt: sampling-time of the filter in seconds :param float f0: center frequency of the filter in Hertz :param float q: inverse of bandwidth factor of the filter """ omega = 2 * math.pi * f0 * dt alpha = math.sin(omega) / (2 * q) # filter coefficients numerator b0 = 1 - alpha b1 = -2 * math.cos(omega) b2 = 1 + alpha # filter coefficients denominator a0 = 1 + alpha a1 = -2 * math.cos(omega) a2 = 1 - alpha # second-order IIR filter with normalized filter coefficients return cls(b0 / a0, b1 / a0, b2 / a0, a1 / a0, a2 / a0)
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """ Clears the sum value of the feedback stages of the SOS-IIR filter. """ self.s1 = 0.0 self.s2 = 0.0
[docs] def compute(self, x: float | int) -> float: """ Computes for the sample :math:`x` the SOS-IIR filter equation in canonical form with the configured normalized filter coefficients. :param float | int x: sample value to compute """ # normalized canonical form y = self.b0 * x + self.s1 self.s1 = (self.b1 * x - self.a1 * y) + self.s2 self.s2 = (self.b2 * x - self.a2 * y) return y
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class Trace: """ Trace data class for time-discrete, equidistant signal samples. """ #: Label of the trace displayed in its plot. label: str = 'Trace' #: List of the time-discrete, equidistant signal samples of the trace. samples: Samples = field(default_factory=list) def __post_init__(self): if not isinstance(self.samples, list): # samples type conversion -> list self.samples = list(self.samples) if not isinstance(self.label, str): # label type conversion -> str self.label = str(self.label)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, key: str, data: DataFrame, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace labeled with the *key*, and the signal :attr:`samples` from the value of the *data* dictionary item selected by the *key*. :param str key: key name of the signal :attr:`samples` to select from the data dictionary :param DataFrame data: dictionary with signal :attr:`samples` :keyword str label: optional :attr:`label` to set instead of the key name """ kwargs['label'] = kwargs.get('label', key) kwargs['samples'] = data[key] return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] def relabel(self, label: str) -> Trace: """ Returns the same trace relabeled with the new *label*. :param str label: new label to set """ self.label = str(label) return self
@property def label_stem(self) -> str: """ Returns the stem of the trace :attr:`label`.""" return self.label.partition(':')[0] def __len__(self) -> int: """ Returns the number of signal :attr:`samples` in the trace.""" return len(self.samples) def __getitem__(self, index: int | slice) -> Sample | MutableSequence[Sample]: """ Returns the sample at the *index* from the trace. :param int | slice index: index of the sample or the slice of the samples to get """ if isinstance(index, slice): return self.samples[index] else: return self.samples[index] def __setitem__(self, index: int, value: Sample) -> None: """ Sets the sample at the *index* to the *value* in the trace. :param int index: index of the sample to set :param Sample value: numerical value to set """ self.samples[index] = value def __contains__(self, item: Sample) -> bool: """ Checks if the *item* is in the signal :attr:`samples` of the trace. """ return item in self.samples def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Sample]: """ Returns an iterator over the signal :attr:`samples` in the trace.""" return iter(self.samples) def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator[Sample]: """ Returns a reverse iterator over the signal :attr:`samples` in the trace.""" return reversed(self.samples)
[docs] def repeat(self, times: int = 1) -> Iterator[Sample]: """ Returns an iterator repeating each signal sample of the trace n-*times*. :param int times: number of times to repeat a sample. Default is ``1``. """ return chain.from_iterable((map(lambda x: repeat(x, times), self)))
[docs] def fields(self) -> tuple[Field, ...]: """ Returns a tuple describing the fields of the data class.""" return fields(self)
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Returns the trace data class as a dictionary.""" return asdict(self)
[docs] def as_tuple(self) -> tuple[Any, ...]: """ Returns the trace data class as a tuple. """ return astuple(self)
[docs] def bool(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` converted to booleans. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:bool'), samples=map(bool, self))
[docs] def int(self, base: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` converted to integers. :param int | None base: radix base of the integer literal to convert :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ if base is None: return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:int'), samples=map(int, self)) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:int'), samples=map(lambda item: int(item, base), self))
[docs] def float(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` converted to floating-points. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:float'), samples=map(float, self))
[docs] def bin(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` converted to binary literals. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:bin'), samples=map(bin, self))
[docs] def oct(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` converted to octal literals. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:oct'), samples=map(oct, self))
[docs] def hex(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` converted to hexadecimal literals. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:hex'), samples=map(hex, self))
[docs] def less(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the results as integers of the lesser comparison between the signal :attr:`samples` and the operand. :param Operand operand: iterable or number to compare with .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the trace :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:lt', samples=map(lambda lhs, rhs: int(lhs < rhs), self, vectorize(operand)))
def __lt__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: return self.less(operand)
[docs] def less_equal(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the results as integers of the lesser or equal comparison between the signal :attr:`samples` and the operand. :param Operand operand: iterable or number to compare with .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:le', samples=map(lambda lhs, rhs: int(lhs <= rhs), self, vectorize(operand)))
def __le__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: return self.less_equal(operand)
[docs] def equal(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the results as integers of the equal comparison between the signal :attr:`samples` and the operand. :param Operand operand: iterable or number to compare with .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:eq', samples=map(lambda lhs, rhs: int(lhs == rhs), self, vectorize(operand)))
def __eq__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: return self.equal(operand)
[docs] def not_equal(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the results as integers of the not equal comparison between the signal :attr:`samples` and the operand. :param Operand operand: iterable or number to compare with .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:ne', samples=map(lambda lhs, rhs: int(lhs != rhs), self, vectorize(operand)))
def __ne__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: return self.not_equal(operand)
[docs] def greater_equal(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the results as integers of the greater or equal comparison between the signal :attr:`samples` and the operand. :param Operand operand: iterable or number to compare with .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:ge', samples=map(lambda lhs, rhs: int(lhs >= rhs), self, vectorize(operand)))
def __ge__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: return self.greater_equal(operand)
[docs] def greater(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the results as integers of the greater comparison between the signal :attr:`samples` and the operand. :param Operand operand: iterable or number to compare with .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:gt', samples=map(lambda lhs, rhs: int(lhs > rhs), self, vectorize(operand)))
def __gt__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: return self.greater(operand)
[docs] def add(self, summand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the sums of the signal :attr:`samples` and the *summand*. :param Operand summand: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *summand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:add', samples=map(lambda a, b: a + b, self, vectorize(summand)))
def __add__(self, summand: Operand) -> Trace: return self.add(summand) def __radd__(self, summand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the sums of the *summand* and the signal :attr:`samples`. :param Operand summand: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *summand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:radd', samples=map(lambda a, b: a + b, vectorize(summand), self))
[docs] def sub(self, subtrahend: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the differences between the signal :attr:`samples` and the *subtrahend*. :param Operand subtrahend: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *subtrahend* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:sub', samples=map(lambda a, b: a - b, self, vectorize(subtrahend)))
def __sub__(self, subtrahend: Operand) -> Trace: return self.sub(subtrahend) def __rsub__(self, minuend: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the differences between the *minuend* and the signal :attr:`samples`. :param Operand minuend: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *minuend* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:rsub', samples=map(lambda a, b: a - b, vectorize(minuend), self))
[docs] def mul(self, factor: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the products between the signal :attr:`samples` and the *factor*. :param Operand factor: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *factor* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:mul', samples=map(lambda a, b: a * b, self, vectorize(factor)))
def __mul__(self, factor: Operand) -> Trace: return self.mul(factor) def __rmul__(self, factor: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the products between the *factor* and the signal :attr:`samples`. :param Operand factor: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *factor* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:rmul', samples=map(lambda a, b: a * b, vectorize(factor), self))
[docs] def div(self, divisor: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the quotients between the signal :attr:`samples` and the *divisor*. :param Operand divisor: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *divisor* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! .. note:: Zero-divisions between samples are resolved by returning zero for the samples in the new trace where the divisor is zero! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:div', samples=map(lambda a, b: a / b if b != 0 else 0, self, vectorize(divisor)))
def __truediv__(self, divisor: Operand) -> Trace: return self.div(divisor) def __rtruediv__(self, dividend: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the quotients between the *dividend* and the signal :attr:`samples`. :param Operand dividend: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *dividend* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! .. note:: Zero-divisions between samples are resolved by returning zero for the samples in the new trace where the divisor is zero! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:rdiv', samples=map(lambda a, b: a / b if b != 0 else 0, vectorize(dividend), self))
[docs] def floordiv(self, divisor: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the integer quotients between the signal :attr:`samples` and the *divisor*. :param Operand divisor: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *divisor* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! .. note:: Zero-divisions between samples are resolved by returning zero for the samples in the new trace where the divisor is zero! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:floordiv', samples=map(lambda a, b: a // b if b != 0 else 0, self, vectorize(divisor)))
def __floordiv__(self, divisor: Operand) -> Trace: return self.floordiv(divisor) def __rfloordiv__(self, dividend: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the integer quotients between the *dividend* and the signal :attr:`samples`. :param Operand dividend: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *dividend* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! .. note:: Zero-divisions between samples are resolved by returning zero for the samples in the new trace where the divisor is zero! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:rfloordiv', samples=map(lambda a, b: a // b if b != 0 else 0, vectorize(dividend), self))
[docs] def mod(self, divisor: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the remainders between the signal :attr:`samples` and the *divisor*. The sign of the remainders is determined by the *divisor*. :param Operand divisor: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *divisor* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! .. note:: Zero-divisions between samples are resolved by returning zero for the samples in the new trace where the divisor is zero! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:mod', samples=map(lambda a, b: a % b if b != 0 else 0, self, vectorize(divisor)))
def __mod__(self, divisor: Operand) -> Trace: return self.mod(divisor) def __rmod__(self, dividend: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the remainders between the *dividend* and the signal :attr:`samples`. :param Operand dividend: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *dividend* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! .. note:: Zero-divisions between samples are resolved by returning zero for the samples in the new trace where the divisor is zero! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:rmod', samples=map(lambda a, b: a % b if b != 0 else 0, vectorize(dividend), self))
[docs] def fmod(self, divisor: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the remainders between the signal :attr:`samples` and the *divisor*. The sign of a remainder is determined by the signal sample. :param Operand divisor: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *divisor* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! .. note:: Zero-divisions between samples are resolved by returning zero for the samples in the new trace where the divisor is zero! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:fmod', samples=map(lambda a, b: math.fmod(a, b) if b != 0 else 0, self, vectorize(divisor)))
[docs] def pow(self, exponent: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the exponentiated values for the signal :attr:`samples` raised to the power of the *exponent*. :param Operand exponent: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *exponent* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:pow', samples=map(lambda a, b: a ** b, self, vectorize(exponent)))
def __pow__(self, exponent: Operand) -> Trace: return self.pow(exponent) def __rpow__(self, base: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the exponentiated values for the *base* raised to the power of the signal :attr:`samples`. :param Operand base: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *base* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:rpow', samples=map(lambda a, b: a ** b, vectorize(base), self))
[docs] def bitwise_and(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the bitwise ANDed values of the signal :attr:`samples` and the *operand*. :param Operand operand: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:and', samples=map(lambda a, b: int(a) & int(b), self, vectorize(operand)))
def __and__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: return self.bitwise_and(operand) def __rand__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the bitwise ANDed values of the *operand* and the signal :attr:`samples`. :param Operand operand: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:rand', samples=map(lambda a, b: int(a) & int(b), vectorize(operand), self))
[docs] def bitwise_or(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the bitwise ORed values of the signal :attr:`samples` and the *operand*. :param Operand operand: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:or', samples=map(lambda a, b: int(a) | int(b), self, vectorize(operand)))
def __or__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: return self.bitwise_or(operand) def __ror__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the bitwise ORed values of the *operand* and the signal :attr:`samples`. :param Operand operand: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:ror', samples=map(lambda a, b: int(a) | int(b), vectorize(operand), self))
[docs] def bitwise_xor(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the bitwise XORed values of the signal :attr:`samples` and the *operand*. :param Operand operand: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:xor', samples=map(lambda a, b: int(a) ^ int(b), self, vectorize(operand)))
def __xor__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: return self.bitwise_xor(operand) def __rxor__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the bitwise XORed values of the *operand* and the signal :attr:`samples`. :param Operand operand: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:rxor', samples=map(lambda a, b: int(a) ^ int(b), vectorize(operand), self))
[docs] def left_shift(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the bitwise left-shifted signal :attr:`samples` by the *operand*. :param Operand operand: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:shl', samples=map(lambda a, b: int(a) << int(b), self, vectorize(operand)))
def __lshift__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: return self.left_shift(operand) def __rlshift__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the bitwise left-shifted *operand* by the signal :attr:`samples`. :param Operand operand: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:rshl', samples=map(lambda a, b: int(a) << int(b), vectorize(operand), self))
[docs] def right_shift(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the right shifted signal :attr:`samples` by the *operand*. :param Operand operand: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:shr', samples=map(lambda a, b: int(a) >> int(b), self, vectorize(operand)))
def __rshift__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: return self.right_shift(operand) def __rrshift__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the right-shifted *operand* by the signal :attr:`samples`. :param Operand operand: iterable or number .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:rshr', samples=map(lambda a, b: int(a) >> int(b), vectorize(operand), self))
[docs] def bits(self, index: int, number: int = 1, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the unpacked *number* of bits starting at the bit *index* from the signal :attr:`samples` of the trace. :param int index: start index of the bits to unpack [0..31] :param int number: number of bits to unpack [1..32-index]. Default is ``1``. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ if index < 0 or index > 31: raise ValueError(f"Bit index '{index}' invalid.") if number < 0 or number > 32 - index: raise ValueError( f"Number of bits '{number}' to unpack at index '{index}' invalid.") mask = 2 ** number - 1 return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:bits'), samples=map(lambda x: (int(x) >> index) & mask, self))
def __iadd__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: for i, item in enumerate(zip(self, vectorize(operand))): self[i] += item[1] self.label += ':iadd' return self def __isub__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: for i, item in enumerate(zip(self, vectorize(operand))): self[i] -= item[1] self.label += ':isub' return self def __imul__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: for i, item in enumerate(zip(self, vectorize(operand))): self[i] *= item[1] self.label += ':imul' return self def __itruediv__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: for i, item in enumerate(zip(self, vectorize(operand))): self[i] /= item[1] if item[1] != 0 else 0 self.label += ':idiv' return self def __ifloordiv__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: for i, item in enumerate(zip(self, vectorize(operand))): self[i] //= item[1] if item[1] != 0 else 0 self.label += ':ifloordiv' return self def __imod__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: for i, item in enumerate(zip(self, vectorize(operand))): self[i] %= item[1] if item[1] != 0 else 0 self.label += ':imod' return self def __ipow__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: for i, item in enumerate(zip(self, vectorize(operand))): self[i] **= item[1] self.label += ':ipow' return self def __iand__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: for i, item in enumerate(zip(self, vectorize(operand))): self[i] &= item[1] self.label += ':iand' return self def __ior__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: for i, item in enumerate(zip(self, vectorize(operand))): self[i] |= item[1] self.label += ':ior' return self def __ixor__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: for i, item in enumerate(zip(self, vectorize(operand))): self[i] ^= item[1] self.label += ':ixor' return self def __ilshift__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: for i, item in enumerate(zip(self, vectorize(operand))): self[i] <<= item[1] self.label += ':ishl' return self def __irshift__(self, operand: Operand) -> Trace: for i, item in enumerate(zip(self, vectorize(operand))): self[i] >>= item[1] self.label += ':ishr' return self
[docs] def neg(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the negated values of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:neg'), samples=map(lambda item: -item, self))
def __neg__(self) -> Trace: return self.neg() def __pos__(self) -> Trace: return self
[docs] def abs(self) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the absolute values of the signal :attr:`samples`. """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:abs', samples=map(abs, self))
def __abs__(self) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the absolute values of the signal :attr:`samples`. """ return self.abs()
[docs] def invert(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the bitwise inverted values of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:not'), samples=map(lambda item: ~item, self))
def __invert__(self) -> Trace: return self.invert()
[docs] def round(self, ndigits: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the rounded values of the signal :attr:`samples`. :param int | None ndigits: optional number of digits rounded after the decimal point :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:round'), samples=map(lambda item: round(item, ndigits), self))
def __round__(self, ndigits: Optional[int] = None) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the rounded values of the signal :attr:`samples`. :param int | None ndigits: optional number of digits rounded after the decimal point """ return self.round(ndigits)
[docs] def trunc(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the truncated values of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:trunc'), samples=map(math.trunc, self))
def __trunc__(self) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the truncated values of the signal :attr:`samples`. """ return self.trunc()
[docs] def floor(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the floor, rounded integers of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:floor'), samples=map(math.floor, self))
def __floor__(self) -> Trace: return self.floor()
[docs] def ceil(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the ceil, rounded integers of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:ceil'), samples=map(math.ceil, self))
def __ceil__(self) -> Trace: return self.ceil()
[docs] def sign(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signum values of the signal :attr:`samples` of the trace. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:sign'), samples=map(sign, self))
[docs] def zero(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the test results as integers for testing the signal :attr:`samples` to be zero or not. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:zero'), samples=map(lambda x: int(sign(x) == 0), self))
[docs] def positive(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the test results as integers for testing the signal :attr:`samples` to be positive or not. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:positive'), samples=map(lambda x: int(sign(x) == 1), self))
[docs] def negative(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the test results as integers for testing the signal :attr:`samples` to be negative or not. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:negative'), samples=map(lambda x: int(sign(x) == -1), self))
[docs] def delta(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the deltas between the consecutive signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set :keyword float preset: optional preset value to compute the delta. Default is the first value in the signal samples. """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:delta'), samples=map(lambda x: x[1] - x[0], _pairwise(chain( [kwargs.get('preset', self[0] if self else None)], self))))
[docs] def enter_positive(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the test results as integers for checking the signal :attr:`samples` starts to be positive. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set :keyword float preset: optional preset value to compute the delta. Default is the first value in the signal samples. """ signs = self.sign() deltas = return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:enter_positive'), samples=map( lambda signum, delta: int(signum == 1 and delta > 0), signs, deltas))
[docs] def left_positive(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the test results as integers for checking the signal :attr:`samples` stops to be positive. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set :keyword float preset: optional preset value to compute the delta. Default is the first value in the signal samples. """ signs = self.sign() deltas = return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:left_positive'), samples=map(lambda signum, delta: int( (signum == 0 and delta == -1) or ( signum == -1 and delta == -2)), signs, deltas))
[docs] def enter_negative(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the test results as integers for checking the signal :attr:`samples` starts to be negative. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set :keyword float preset: optional preset value to compute the delta. Default is the first value in the signal samples. """ signs = self.sign() deltas = return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:enter_negative'), samples=map( lambda signum, delta: int(signum == -1 and delta < 0), signs, deltas))
[docs] def left_negative(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the test results as integers for checking the signal :attr:`samples` stops to be negative. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set :keyword float preset: optional preset value to compute the delta. Default is the first value in the signal samples. """ signs = self.sign() deltas = return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:left_negative'), samples=map(lambda signum, delta: int( (signum == 0 and delta == 1) or ( signum == 1 and delta == 2)), signs, deltas))
[docs] def accumulate(self, func: Callable[[Number, Number], Number] = operator.add, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the accumulated signal :attr:`samples`. :param Callable[[Number, Number], Number] func: function to use for the accumulation of the samples. Default is the function :func:`operator.add`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:accumulate'), samples=accumulate(self, func=func))
[docs] def sums_positive(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the integrated signal :attr:`samples` limited to positive sums. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ samples = accumulate(self, lambda s, x: s + x if s + x > 0 else 0) if self and self[0] < 0: samples = list(samples) samples[0] = 0 return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:sums_positive'), samples=samples)
[docs] def sums_negative(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the integrated signal :attr:`samples` limited to negative sums. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ samples = accumulate(self, lambda s, x: s + x if s + x < 0 else 0) if self and self[0] > 0: samples = list(samples) samples[0] = 0 return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:sums_negative'), samples=samples)
[docs] def sin(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the sines of the signal :attr:`samples` in radians. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:sin'), samples=map(math.sin, self))
[docs] def cos(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the cosines of the signal :attr:`samples` in radians. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:cos'), samples=map(math.cos, self))
[docs] def tan(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the tangents of the signal :attr:`samples` in radians. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:tan'), samples=map(math.tan, self))
[docs] def asin(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the arc sines of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:asin'), samples=map(math.asin, self))
[docs] def acos(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the arc cosines of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:acos'), samples=map(math.acos, self))
[docs] def atan(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the arc tangents of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:atan'), samples=map(math.atan, self))
[docs] def sinh(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the hyperbolic sines of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:sinh'), samples=map(math.sinh, self))
[docs] def cosh(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the hyperbolic cosines of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:cosh'), samples=map(math.cosh, self))
[docs] def tanh(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the hyperbolic tangents of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:tanh'), samples=map(math.tanh, self))
[docs] def asinh(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the area hyperbolic sines of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:asinh'), samples=map(math.asinh, self))
[docs] def acosh(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the area hyperbolic cosines of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:acosh'), samples=map(math.acosh, self))
[docs] def atanh(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the area hyperbolic tangents of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:atanh'), samples=map(math.atanh, self))
[docs] def sort(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the sorted signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N` in ascending order. :keyword key: function of one argument that is used to extract a comparison key from each sample. Default is ``None``. :keyword bool reverse: if ``True`` the sorted signal :attr:`samples` are returned in descending order. """ return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}:sort', samples=sorted(self, **kwargs))
[docs] def winsorize(self, limits: (float | tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] | None) = None, **kwargs: Any): """ Returns a new trace with the winsorized signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`. The nth-lowest sample values are set to the ``limits[0]``-th percentile sample value, and the nth-highest sample values are set to the ``(1.0 - limits[1])``-th percentile sample value. :param limits: either a pair of the percentages as floats between ``0.0`` and ``1.0`` to cut on each side of the sorted signal samples in ascending order, or the percentage for both sides. The value of one limit can be set to ``None`` to indicate an open interval for this side. :type limits: float | tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] | None :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ if not self or limits is None: return self return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:winsorize'), samples=winsorize(np.array(self), limits).data)
[docs] def index_of(self, sample: Sample) -> int: """ Returns the *index* of the first occurrence of the *sample* :math:`x` in the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N` or ``-1`` if no sample could be found. :param sample: sample value to look for """ try: return operator.indexOf(self, sample) except ValueError: return -1
[docs] def count(self, sample: Sample) -> int: """ Returns the *number* of occurrences of the *sample* :math:`x` in the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`. :param sample: sample value to count """ return operator.countOf(self, sample)
[docs] def sum(self, *operands: Operand, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace | float: """ Returns either a new trace with the sums of the signal :attr:`samples` and the provided *operands*, or the sum :math:`\\sum\\limits_{i=0}^{N}{x_i}` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N` of the trace in case no *operands* are provided. An *operand* can be either a fix number or an array-like iterable. :param operands: operands to sum up with each signal sample :type operands: tuple[Operand, ...] :keyword str label: optional trace label to set .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ if not operands: return sum(self) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:sum'), samples=map(lambda t: sum(t), zip(self, *map(vectorize, operands))))
[docs] def min(self, *operands: Operand, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace | Sample: """ Returns either a new trace with the minimums of the signal :attr:`samples` and the provided *operands*, or the minimum :math:`x_{min}` in the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N` of the trace in case no *operands* are provided. An *operand* can be either a fix number or an array-like iterable. :param Operand operands: operands to compare with each signal sample :type operands: tuple[Operand, ...] :keyword str label: optional trace label to set .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ if not operands: return min(self) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:min'), samples=map(lambda t: min(t), zip(self, *map(vectorize, operands))))
[docs] def max(self, *operands: Operand, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace | Sample: """ Returns either a new trace with the maximus of the signal :attr:`samples` and the provided *operands*, or the maximum :math:`x_{max}` in the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N` of the trace in case no *operands* are provided. An *operand* can be either a fix number or an array-like iterable. :param Operand operands: operands to compare with each signal sample :type operands: tuple[Operand, ...] :keyword str label: optional trace label to set .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ if not operands: return max(self) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:max'), samples=map(lambda t: max(t), zip(self, *map(vectorize, operands))))
[docs] def range(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ Returns the *range* :math:`x_{max} - x_{min}` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`.""" return max(self) - min(self)
[docs] def midrange(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ Returns the *midrange* :math:`\\frac{x_{max} + x_{min}}{2}` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`.""" return (max(self) + min(self)) / 2
[docs] def average(self, *operands: Operand, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace | float: """ Returns either a new trace with the averages of the signal :attr:`samples` and the provided *operands*, or the average :math:`\\overline{x}` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N` of the trace in case no *operands* are provided. An *operand* can be either a fix number or an array-like iterable. :param Operand operands: operands to compute with each signal sample :type operands: tuple[Operand, ...] :keyword str label: optional trace label to set .. note:: An iterable *operand* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ if not operands: return sum(self) / len(self) if self else 0.0 return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:avg'), samples=map(lambda t: sum(t) / len(t), zip(self, *map(vectorize, operands))))
[docs] def mean(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ Returns the arithmetic *mean* :math:`\\overline{x}` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`.""" return stats.mean(self) if self else 0.0
[docs] def weighted_mean(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ Returns the linear weighted arithmetic *mean* :math:`\\overline{x}_{w}` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`.""" n = len(self) if not n: return 0.0 if n < 2: return self[0] return (2 / (n * (n + 1))) * sum([w * x for w, x in enumerate(self, 1)])
[docs] def winsor_mean(self, limits: (float | tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] | None) = None) -> Union[float, int]: """ Returns the winsorized arithmetic *mean* :math:`\\overline{x}_{w\\alpha}` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`. :param limits: either a pair of the percentages as floats between ``0.0`` and ``1.0`` to cut on each side of the sorted signal samples in ascending order, or the percentage for both sides. The value of one limit can be set to ``None`` to indicate an open interval for this side. :type limits: float | tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]] | None """ samples = self.winsorize(limits) return stats.mean(samples) if samples else 0.0
[docs] def median(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ Returns the median :math:`\\overline{x}_{med}` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`.""" return stats.median(self) if self else 0.0
[docs] def mode(self) -> Union[float, int]: """ Returns the mode :math:`\\overline{x}_{mod}` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`.""" return stats.mode(self) if self else 0.0
[docs] def rms(self) -> float: """ Returns the *root-mean-square* :math:`x_{rms}` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`.""" return math.sqrt(sum(self ** 2) / len(self)) if self else 0.0
[docs] def aad(self) -> float: """ Returns the *average absolute deviation* :math:`D_{mean}` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`.""" if self: center = self.mean() return sum(map(lambda x: abs(x - center), self)) / len(self) else: return 0.0
[docs] def mad(self) -> float: """ Returns the *median absolute deviation* :math:`D_{median}` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`.""" if self: center = self.median() return sum(map(lambda x: abs(x - center), self)) / len(self) else: return 0.0
[docs] def variance(self, **kwargs: Any) -> float: """ Returns the biased sample *variance* :math:`\sigma^2` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`. :keyword float | int center: optional center value. Default is the arithmetic :attr:`mean` of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword bool unbiased: optional if ``True`` computes the unbiased *variance* :math:`\sigma^2`. Default is ``False``. """ center = kwargs.get('center', self.mean()) count = len(self) if count < 2: return 0.0 if kwargs.get('unbiased', False): count -= 1 return sum(map(lambda x: (x - center) ** 2, self)) / count
[docs] def std(self, **kwargs: Any) -> float: """ Returns the biased sample *standard deviation* :math:`\sigma` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`. :keyword float | int center: optional center value. Default is the arithmetic :attr:`mean` of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword bool unbiased: optional if ``True`` computes the unbiased *standard deviation* :math:`\sigma`. Default is ``False``. """ return math.sqrt(self.variance(**kwargs))
[docs] def coefficient(self, **kwargs: Any) -> float: """ Returns the *coefficient of variation* :math:`c_v` of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`. :keyword float | int center: optional center value. Default is the arithmetic :attr:`mean` of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword float | int std: optional standard deviation. Default is the biased standard deviation :attr:`std` of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword bool unbiased: optional if ``True`` uses the unbiased *standard deviation* :math:`\sigma`. Default is ``False``. """ center = kwargs.get('center', self.mean()) std = kwargs.get('std', self.std(**kwargs)) return std / center if center else 0.0
[docs] def skew(self, **kwargs: Any) -> float: """ Returns the biased sample *skew* of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`. :keyword float | int center: optional center value. Default is the arithmetic :attr:`mean` of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword float | int std: optional standard deviation. Default is the biased standard deviation :attr:`std` of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword bool unbiased: optional if ``True`` uses the unbiased *standard deviation* :math:`\sigma`. Default is ``False``. """ center = kwargs.get('center', self.mean()) std = kwargs.get('std', self.std(**kwargs)) count = len(self) if count < 2 or not std: return 0.0 return sum(map(lambda x: ((x - center) / std) ** 3, self)) / count
[docs] def kurtosis(self, **kwargs: Any) -> float: """ Returns the biased sample *kurtosis* of the signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`. :keyword float | int center: optional center value. Default is the arithmetic :attr:`mean` of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword float | int std: optional standard deviation. Default is the biased standard deviation :attr:`std` of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword bool unbiased: optional if ``True`` uses the unbiased *standard deviation* :math:`\sigma`. Default is ``False``. """ center = kwargs.get('center', self.mean()) std = kwargs.get('std', self.std(**kwargs)) count = len(self) if count < 2 or not std: return 0.0 return sum(map(lambda x: ((x - center) / std) ** 4, self)) / count
[docs] def zscore(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the biased z-scored signal :attr:`samples` :math:`N`. :keyword float | int center: optional center value. Default is the arithmetic :attr:`mean` of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword float | int std: optional biased standard deviation. Default is the biased standard deviation :attr:`std` of the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ center = kwargs.get('center', self.mean()) std = kwargs.get('std', self.std(**kwargs)) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:zscore'), samples=map(lambda x: ((x - center) / std) if std else 0.0, self))
[docs] def clip(self, lower: Optional[Operand] = None, upper: Optional[Operand] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns either a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` limited between the provided *lower* and *upper* bound, or the same trace in case no bounds are provided. A *bound* can be either a fix number or an array-like iterable. :param Operand | None lower: optional lower bound to clip at. Default is ``None``, this means the bound is not considered. :param Operand | None upper: optional upper bound to clip at. Default is ``None``, this means the bound is not considered. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set .. note:: The *upper* bound is dominant over the *lower* bound. .. note:: An iterable *bound* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ if lower is None and upper is None: return self return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:clip'), samples=map(_clip, self, *map(vectorize, (lower, upper))))
[docs] def clamp(self, bound: Operand | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns either a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` symmetrically clamped at the provided *bound*, or the same trace in case no bound is provided. A *bound* can be either a fix number or an array-like iterable. :param Operand | None bound: optional bound to clamp at. Default is ``None``, this means the bound is not considered. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set .. note:: An iterable *bound* should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ if bound is None: return self return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:clamp'), samples=map(_clamp, self, vectorize(bound)))
[docs] def interpolate(self, x: Sequence[Union[int, float]], y: Sequence[Union[int, float]], **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` of the trace piecewise linear interpolated between the data points. The data points are internally sorted by their x-coordinates to be in ascending order. :param Sequence[int | float] x: x-coordinates of the data points. :param Sequence[int | float] y: y-coordinates of the data points. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ # sort data points x, y = zip(*sorted(zip(x, y))) if len(x) < 2: return self return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:interpolate'), samples=np.interp(self, x, y) if self else list())
[docs] def delay(self, on: int = 0, off: int = 0, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the change-rate limited signal :attr:`samples` of the binary signal trace. The change-rate of the binary signal :attr:`samples` is limited by the numbers of samples to delay the *on*-state (``1``), and by the numbers of samples to delay the *off*-state (``0``) of the binary signal trace. :param int on: optional number of samples to delay the on-state. Default is ``0``. :param int off: optional number of samples to delay the off-state. Default is ``0``. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set :keyword int preset: optional preset value (``0|1``) of the delay. Default is the first value in the signal samples. """ level = kwargs.get('preset', self[0] if self else 0) rates = [ max(0, int(on)) if on else 0, max(0, int(off)) if off else 0 ] counters = [ rates[0] if level else 0, rates[1] if not level else 0, ] samples = list() for value in self: if value: # delay-on if counters[0] >= rates[0]: counters[1] = 0 level = value else: counters[0] += 1 else: # delay-off if counters[1] >= rates[1]: counters[0] = 0 level = value else: counters[1] += 1 samples.append(level) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:delay'), samples=samples)
[docs] def ramp(self, limits: Optional[tuple[Optional[Operand], Optional[Operand]]] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns either a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` limited by the maximal allowed positive and/or negative delta *limits* between consecutive :attr:`samples`, or the same trace in case no *limits* are provided. The maximal allowed *positive* delta limit can be either a fix number or an array-like iterable. The maximal allowed *negative* delta limit can be either a fix number or an array-like iterable. :param limits: optional a pair with the maximal allowed positive and negative deltas between consecutive samples. The value of one limit can be set to ``None`` to indicate an unlimited ramp for this side. :type limits: Optional[tuple[Optional[Operand], Optional[Operand]]] :keyword float preset: optional preset value of the ramp. Default is the first value in the signal samples. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set .. note:: An iterable maximal allowed *positive* or *negative* step should have at least the same length as the signal :attr:`samples`, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ if not limits: return replace(self, label=f'{self.label}', samples=self[:]) level = kwargs.get('preset', self[0] if self else 0) samples = list() for values in zip(self, vectorize(limits[0]), vectorize(limits[1])): sample, delta_positive, delta_negative = values if delta_positive is not None: delta_positive = max(delta_positive, 0) if delta_negative is not None: delta_negative = min(delta_negative, 0) delta = sample - level if delta_positive is not None and delta > delta_positive: level += delta_positive elif delta_negative is not None and delta < delta_negative: level += delta_negative else: level = sample samples.append(level) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:ramp'), samples=samples)
[docs] def slew(self, limits: tuple[Optional[Operand], Optional[Operand]], hold: Optional[Operand] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> SlewRateLimiterTraces: """ Slew-rate limiter over the signal :attr:`samples` of the trace. The maximal allowed *positive* delta limit can be either a fix number or an array-like iterable. The maximal allowed *negative* delta limit can be either a fix number or an array-like iterable. The number of samples to hold the previous sample value when the one of the configured slew-rates becomes violated can be either a fix number or an array-like iterable. :param limits: a pair with the maximal allowed positive and negative deltas between consecutive samples. The value of one limit can be set to ``None`` to indicate an unlimited ramp for this side. :type limits: tuple[Optional[Operand], Optional[Operand]] :param hold: optional number of samples to hold the previous sample value when one of the configured slew-rates becomes violated. :type hold: Operand | None :keyword float preset: optional preset value of the limiter. Default is the first value in the signal samples. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ level = kwargs.get('preset', self[0] if self else 0) counter = 0 samples = list() for values in zip(self, vectorize(limits[0]), vectorize(limits[1]), vectorize(hold)): sample, delta_positive, delta_negative, count = values if delta_positive is not None: delta_positive = max(delta_positive, 0) if delta_negative is not None: delta_negative = min(delta_negative, 0) count = 0 if count is None else max(count, 0) delta = sample - level if delta_positive is not None and delta > delta_positive: if counter >= count: level += delta_positive else: counter += 1 active = 1 elif delta_negative is not None and delta < delta_negative: if counter >= count: level += delta_negative else: counter += 1 active = 1 else: level = sample active = 0 counter = 0 results = SlewRateLimiter( level=level, deviation=sample - level if active else 0, active=active) samples.append(asdict(results)) traces = dict() label = kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:slew') for key, value in as_traces(samples).items(): traces[key] = replace(self, label=f'{label}:{key}', samples=value) return SlewRateLimiterTraces(**traces)
[docs] def band_pass(self, dt: float, f0: float, q: float = 1 / math.sqrt(2), **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` filtered with a second-order IIR band-pass filter. :param float dt: sampling-time of the :attr:`~Trace.samples` (filter) in seconds :param float f0: center frequency of the filter in Hertz :param float q: inverse of bandwidth factor of the filter :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ _filter = IIRFilter.band_pass(dt, f0, q) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:band-pass'), samples=map(_filter.compute, self))
[docs] def low_pass(self, dt: float, f0: float, q: float = 1 / math.sqrt(2), **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` filtered with a second-order IIR low-pass filter. :param float dt: sampling-time of the :attr:`~Trace.samples` (filter) in seconds :param float f0: cutoff frequency of the filter in Hertz :param float q: inverse of bandwidth factor of the filter :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ _filter = IIRFilter.low_pass(dt, f0, q) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:low-pass'), samples=map(_filter.compute, self))
[docs] def high_pass(self, dt: float, f0: float, q: float = 1 / math.sqrt(2), **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` filtered with a second-order IIR high-pass filter. :param float dt: sampling-time of the :attr:`~Trace.samples` (filter) in seconds :param float f0: cutoff frequency of the filter in Hertz :param float q: inverse of bandwidth factor of the filter :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ _filter = IIRFilter.high_pass(dt, f0, q) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:high-pass'), samples=map(_filter.compute, self))
[docs] def notch(self, dt: float, f0: float, q: float = 1 / math.sqrt(2), **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` filtered with a second-order IIR notch filter. :param float dt: sampling-time of the :attr:`~Trace.samples` (filter) in seconds :param float f0: center frequency of the filter in Hertz :param float q: inverse of bandwidth factor of the filter :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ _filter = IIRFilter.notch(dt, f0, q) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:notch'), samples=map(_filter.compute, self))
[docs] def all_pass(self, dt: float, f0: float, q: float = 1 / math.sqrt(2), **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` filtered with a second-order IIR all-pass filter. :param float dt: sampling-time of the :attr:`~Trace.samples` (filter) in seconds :param float f0: center frequency of the filter in Hertz :param float q: inverse of bandwidth factor of the filter :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ _filter = IIRFilter.all_pass(dt, f0, q) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:all-pass'), samples=map(_filter.compute, self))
@staticmethod def _damping_factor(ratio: Union[int, float]) -> float: if isinstance(ratio, int): factor = 1.0 - (1 / ratio) if ratio > 1 else 0.0 else: factor = _clip(1.0 - ratio, 0.0, 1.0) return factor
[docs] def dt1(self, ratio: Operand, gain: Operand = 1, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` of the trace processed by the transfer function of a DT1-element. :param Operand ratio: integer ratios between damping time and sampling time, or floating-point ratios between sampling time and damping time. :param Operand gain: proportional gain of the DT1-element. :keyword float preset: optional preset value of the DT1-element. Default is the first value in the signal samples. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ y = kwargs.get('preset', self[0] if self else 0.0) previous = self[0] if self else 0.0 samples = list() for value, factor, p in zip(self.samples, map(self._damping_factor, vectorize(ratio)), vectorize(gain)): y = y * factor + (value - previous) previous = value samples.append(p * y) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:dt1'), samples=samples)
@staticmethod def _smoothing_factor(ratio: Union[int, float]) -> float: if isinstance(ratio, int): factor = 1.0 / ratio if ratio > 1 else 1.0 else: factor = _clip(ratio, 0.0, 1.0) return factor
[docs] def pt1(self, ratio: Operand, gain: Operand = 1, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` of the trace processed by the transfer function of a PT1-element. :param Operand ratio: integer ratio between smoothing time and sampling time, or floating-point ratio between sampling time and smoothing time. :param Operand gain: proportional gain of the PT1-element. :keyword float preset: optional preset value of the PT1-element. Default is the first value in the signal samples. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ y = kwargs.get('preset', self[0] if self else 0.0) samples = list() for value, factor, p in zip(self.samples, map(self._smoothing_factor, vectorize(ratio)), vectorize(gain)): y += (value - y) * factor samples.append(p * y) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:pt1'), samples=samples)
[docs] def alpha_beta_filter(self, dt: float, alpha: Operand, beta: Operand, **kwargs: Any) -> AlphaBetaFilterTraces: """ Alpha-beta filter over the signal :attr:`samples` of the trace. :param float dt: sampling-time of the :attr:`~Trace.samples` (filter) in seconds :param Operand alpha: adaption factor for the level prediction ``[0.0: Ignore signal sample, ..., 1.0[``. :param Operand beta: adaption factor for the trend prediction ``[0.0: Ignore signal sample, ..., 2.0]``. :keyword float level: optional initial level of the alpha-beta filter. Default is the first value in the signal samples. :keyword float trend: optional initial trend of the alpha-beta filter. Default is ``0.0``. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ # initialize alpha-beta filter level = kwargs.get('level', self.samples[0]) trend = kwargs.get('trend', 0.0) samples = list() for value, alpha, beta in zip(self.samples, vectorize(alpha), vectorize(beta)): # Forecast value (prediction) forecast = level + trend * dt # Prediction residual residual = value - forecast # Level value (estimation) level = forecast + (alpha * residual) # Trend value (estimation) trend += (beta * residual) / dt denominator = alpha * (4 - 2 * alpha - beta) # Forecast variance reduction factor (prediction) variance_forecast = (2 * alpha ** 2 + 2 * beta + alpha * beta) variance_forecast /= denominator # Level variance reduction factor (estimation) variance_level = (2 * alpha ** 2 + 2 * beta - 3 * alpha * beta) variance_level /= denominator # Trend variance reduction factor (estimation) variance_trend = (2 * beta ** 2) / (dt ** 2) variance_trend /= denominator # results of the alpha-beta filter results = AlphaBetaFilter( forecast=forecast, forecast_sign=sign(forecast), level=level, level_sign=sign(level), trend=trend, trend_sign=sign(trend), trend_inflection=sign(level - forecast), error=residual, variance_forecast=variance_forecast, variance_level=variance_level, variance_trend=variance_trend) samples.append(asdict(results)) traces = dict() label = kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:filter') for key, value in as_traces(samples).items(): traces[key] = replace(self, label=f'{label}:{key}', samples=value) return AlphaBetaFilterTraces(**traces)
[docs] def exponential(self, alpha: float, **kwargs: Any) -> ExponentialSmoothingTraces: """ Second-order exponential smoothing over the signal :attr:`samples` of the trace. :param float alpha: smoothing factor ``[0.0:freeze..1.0:transparent]`` :keyword float level: optional initial level of the exponential smoothing. Default is the first value in the signal samples. :keyword float trend: optional initial trend of the exponential smoothing. Default is ``0.0``. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ # initialize exponential smoothing level = kwargs.get('level', self.samples[0]) trend = kwargs.get('trend', 0.0) alpha = _clip(alpha, 0.0, 1.0) prognosis = [ (level - ((1 - alpha) / alpha) * trend if alpha > 0 else 0), (level - 2 * ((1 - alpha) / alpha) * trend if alpha > 0 else 0) ] # initialize signal statistic absolute_error = 0.0 variance = 0.0 skew = 0.0 kurtosis = 0.0 samples = list() for value in self.samples: # prognosis residual residual = value - ((2 * prognosis[0] - prognosis[1]) + trend) # empirical absolute error of the distribution (1st central moment) absolute_error = (1 - alpha) * (absolute_error + alpha * abs(residual)) # empirical variance of the distribution (2nd central moment) variance = (1 - alpha) * (variance + alpha * (residual ** 2)) # empirical standard deviation of the distribution deviation = math.sqrt(variance) # empirical skew of the distribution (3rd central moment) skew = (1.0 - alpha) * (skew + alpha * ( (residual / deviation) ** 3 if deviation != 0.0 else 0.0)) # empirical kurtosis of the distribution (4th central moment) kurtosis = (1.0 - alpha) * (kurtosis + alpha * ( (residual / deviation) ** 4 if deviation != 0.0 else 0.0)) # first-order exponentially smoothed value smoothed1 = (1.0 - alpha) * prognosis[0] + alpha * value # second-order exponentially smoothed value smoothed2 = (1.0 - alpha) * prognosis[1] + alpha * smoothed1 # prognosis level (exponentially smoothed signal value) level = 2 * smoothed1 - smoothed2 # prognosis trend trend = (alpha / (1 - alpha)) * ( smoothed1 - smoothed2) if alpha < 1 else 0 # prognosis forecast forecast = level + trend # results of the 2nd-order exponential smoothing results = ExponentialSmoothing( forecast=forecast, forecast_sign=sign(forecast), level=level, level_sign=sign(level), prognosis1=prognosis[0], prognosis2=prognosis[1], prognosis=2 * prognosis[0] - prognosis[1], smoothed1=smoothed1, smoothed2=smoothed2, trend=trend, trend_sign=sign(trend), trend_inflection=sign(forecast - level), error=residual, correction=alpha * residual, absolute_error=absolute_error, variance=variance, deviation=deviation, skew=skew, kurtosis=kurtosis) # new prognosis values prognosis = [smoothed1, smoothed2] samples.append(asdict(results)) traces = dict() label = kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:exponential') for key, value in as_traces(samples).items(): traces[key] = replace(self, label=f'{label}:{key}', samples=value) return ExponentialSmoothingTraces(**traces)
[docs] def window(self, size: int, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterator[tuple[Sample, ...]]: """ Moving window generator over the signal :attr:`samples` of the trace. :param int size: moving window size (number of samples) :keyword float preset: optional preset value to fill the moving window. Default is the first value in the signal samples. """ if not self or size <= 0: yield from self.samples else: # moving windows iterator windows = tee( chain(repeat(kwargs.get('preset', self[0]), size - 1), iter(self)), size) yield from zip( *(islice(window, i, None) for i, window in enumerate(windows)))
[docs] def moving_events(self, size: int, value: Sample = 1, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the number of *value* occurrences (events) in the moving window over the signal :attr:`samples` of the trace. :param int size: moving window size :param value: value to check. Default is ``1``. :keyword int preset: optional preset value to fill the moving window. Default is ``None``. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ samples = list() for values in self.window(size, preset=kwargs.get('preset', None)): samples.append(list(values).count(value)) return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:events'), samples=samples)
[docs] def moving_average(self, size: int, **kwargs: Any) -> MovingAverageTraces: """ Moving average over the signal :attr:`samples` of the trace. :param int size: moving window size (number of samples) :keyword float preset: optional preset value to fill the moving window. Default is the first value in the signal samples. """ samples = list() for values in self.window(size, **kwargs): trace = Trace(samples=values) mean = trace.mean() minimum = trace.min() maximum = trace.max() deviation = trace.std(center=mean) result = Statistics( mean=mean, weighted_mean=trace.weighted_mean(), median=trace.median(), mode=trace.mode(), rms=trace.rms(), minimum=trace.min(), maximum=trace.max(), range=maximum - minimum, midrange=trace.midrange(), absolute_error=sum(abs(trace - mean)), variance=trace.variance(center=mean), deviation=trace.std(center=mean), coefficient=trace.coefficient(center=mean, std=deviation), skew=trace.skew(center=mean, std=deviation), kurtosis=trace.kurtosis(center=mean, std=deviation) ) samples.append(asdict(result)) traces = dict() label = kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:average') for key, value in as_traces(samples).items(): traces[key] = Trace(label=f'{label}:{key}', samples=value) return MovingAverageTraces(**traces)
[docs] def moving_differential(self, size: int, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Moving differential over the signal :attr:`samples` of the trace. :param int size: moving window size (number of samples) :keyword float preset: optional preset value to fill the moving window. Default is the first value in the signal samples. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:differential'), samples=[((y[-1] - y[0]) / (size - 1)) if size > 1 else 0 for y in self.window(size, **kwargs)])
[docs] def moving_regression(self, size: int, **kwargs: Any) -> LinearRegressionTraces: """ Moving linear regression over the signal :attr:`samples` of the trace. :param int size: moving window size (> 1) :keyword float preset: optional preset value to fill the moving window. Default is the first value in the signal samples. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ if not self.samples: return LinearRegressionTraces() if size < 2: return LinearRegressionTraces(level=self) samples = list() # x-coordinate values x_values = list(range(size)) for y_values in self.window(size, **kwargs): # arithmetic mean of the x-coordinate values mean_x = stats.mean(x_values) # arithmetic mean of the y-coordinate values (1st central moment) mean_y = stats.mean(y_values) # median of the y-coordinate values median_y = stats.median(y_values) # residuals of the x-coordinate values residuals_x = list(map(lambda x: x - mean_x, x_values)) # residuals of the y-coordinate values residuals_y = list(map(lambda y: y - mean_y, y_values)) # sum of the squared x-coordinate residuals dxdx_sum = sum(map(lambda x: x ** 2, residuals_x)) # sum of the xy-coordinate residual products dxdy_sum = sum(map(lambda p: p[0] * p[1], zip(residuals_x, residuals_y))) # slope of the approximated line slope = dxdy_sum / dxdx_sum # y-intercept of the approximated line intercept = mean_y - slope * mean_x # current y-coordinate of the approximated line level = slope * x_values[-1] + intercept # minimum of the y-coordinate values minimum = min(y_values) # maximum of the y-coordinate values maximum = max(y_values) # deviations of the y-coordinates from the approximated line errors = list( map(lambda point: point[1] - (slope * point[0] + intercept), enumerate(y_values))) # maximal positive y-coordinate deviation from the approximated line positive_error = max(errors) # maximal negative y-coordinate deviation from the approximated line negative_error = min(errors) # empirical absolute error of the distribution (1st central moment) absolute_error = sum(map(abs, errors)) # empirical variance of the distribution (2nd central moment) variance = sum(map(lambda e: e ** 2, errors)) # empirical standard deviation of the distribution deviation = math.sqrt(variance) # empirical skew of the distribution (3rd central moment) skew = sum( map(lambda e: (e / deviation) ** 3 if deviation != 0.0 else 0.0, errors)) # empirical kurtosis of the distribution (4th central moment) kurtosis = sum( map(lambda e: (e / deviation) ** 4 if deviation != 0.0 else 0.0, errors)) # results of the linear regression results = LinearRegression( level=level, slope=slope, intercept=intercept, mean=mean_y, median=median_y, error=errors[-1], minimum=minimum, maximum=maximum, range=maximum - minimum, negative_error=negative_error, positive_error=positive_error, absolute_error=absolute_error, variance=variance, deviation=deviation, skew=skew, kurtosis=kurtosis) samples.append(asdict(results)) traces = dict() label = kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:regression') for key, value in as_traces(samples).items(): traces[key] = replace(self, label=f'{label}:{key}', samples=value) return LinearRegressionTraces(**traces)
[docs] def move(self, number: int, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the moved signal :attr:`samples` by the number of samples either to the right or to the left. A positive *number* moves the signal :attr:`samples` to the right. This means a *number* of the first value in signal :attr:`samples` is inserted at the beginning of the signal :attr:`samples` to move as the *fill* value, and the *number* of the last signal :attr:`samples` are removed from the signal :attr:`samples` to move. A negative *number* moves the signal :attr:`samples` to the left. This means a *number* of the last value in the signal :attr:`samples` is appended at end of the signal :attr:`samples` to move as the *fill* value, and the *number* of the first signal :attr:`samples` are removed from the signal :attr:`samples` to move. :param int number: number of samples to move to the right (``> 0``) or to the left (``< 0``). :keyword float fill: optional fill value. Default is the first or last value in the signal samples. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ # copy samples samples = self[:] if not samples or not number: # nothing to move pass elif number > 0: # move to right number = min(number, len(samples)) fill = kwargs.get('fill', samples[0]) samples = [fill] * number + samples[:-number] elif number < 0: # move to left number = min(-number, len(samples)) fill = kwargs.get('fill', samples[-1]) samples = samples[number:] samples += [fill] * number return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:move'), samples=samples)
[docs] def slice(self, *args: tuple[int, ...], **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the signal :attr:`samples` sliced with the built-in function :func:`slice` in the range given by the arguments *args*. :param tuple[int, ...] args: optional *start*, *stop* index and *step* for slicing the signal :attr:`samples`. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set """ if not args: samples = self.samples[:] else: samples = self.samples[slice(*args)] return replace(self, label=kwargs.get('label', f'{self.label}:slice'), samples=samples if samples else list())
[docs] def iter_x(self) -> Iterator[int]: """ Returns an iterator for the x-coordinates of the trace. """ return range(len(self))
[docs] def iter_point(self) -> Iterator[Point2D]: """ Returns an iterator for the x,y-points of the trace. """ for x, y in zip(self.iter_x(), self): yield Point2D(x, y)
@property def x_values(self) -> list[int]: """ Returns a list with the x-coordinates of the trace. """ return list(self.iter_x()) @property def y_values(self) -> list[Sample]: """ Returns a list with the y-coordinates of the trace. """ return list(self) @property def digital(self) -> Digital: """ Returns a new digital trace with *shared* signal :attr:`samples`. """ return Digital(**asdict(self))
[docs] def plot(self, index: Optional[int] = None, n: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> go.Scatter: """ Returns the scatter plot of the trace. :param int index: optional start index of the samples to plot :param int n: optional number of samples to plot """ # pack x,y-pairs pairs = list(zip(self.iter_x(), self)) if pairs: # slice pairs index = 0 if index is None else max(0, index) if n is None: pairs = pairs[index:] elif n <= 0: pairs = pairs[index:index + 1] else: pairs = pairs[index:index + n] # unpack x,y-pairs x, y = zip(*pairs) else: x = list() y = list() # default settings settings = dict( x=x, y=y, name=self.label, mode='lines', ) # create plot with default settings _plot = go.Scatter(**settings) # update plot return _plot.update(kwargs)
[docs] def figure(self, index: Optional[int] = None, n: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> go.Figure: """ Returns a figure with the scatter plot of the trace. :param int index: optional start index of the samples to plot :param int n: optional number of samples to plot """ return go.Figure(self.plot(index, n, **kwargs))
@dataclass class Digital(Trace): """ Trace data class for time-discrete digital signal samples. """ def plot(self, index: Optional[int] = None, n: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> go.Scatter: """ Returns the plot of the digital signal trace. :param int index: optional start index of the samples to plot :param int n: optional number of samples to plot """ # pack x,y-pairs pairs = list(zip(self.iter_x(), self)) if pairs: # slice pairs index = 0 if index is None else max(0, index) if n is None: pairs = pairs[index:] elif n <= 0: pairs = pairs[index:index + 1] else: pairs = pairs[index:index + n] # unpack x,y-pairs x, y = zip(*pairs) else: x = list() y = list() # default settings settings = dict( x=x, y=y, name=self.label, mode='lines', line=dict(shape='hv') ) # create plot with default settings _plot = go.Scatter(**settings) # update plot return _plot.update(kwargs)
[docs]def logical_and(*operands: Trace | Iterable, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the logical ANDed values of the given iterable *operands*. :param Trace | Iterable] operands: trace or iterable :keyword str label: optional trace label to set. Default is ``'And'``. .. note:: The *operands* should have the same length, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ label = kwargs.get('label', 'And') if not operands: return Trace(label) samples = list() for t in zip(*operands): samples.append(int(all(t))) return Trace(label, samples)
[docs]def logical_or(*operands: Trace | Iterable, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the logical ORed values of the given iterable *operands*. :param Trace | Iterable operands: trace or iterable :keyword str label: optional trace label to set. Default is ``'Or'``. .. note:: The *operands* should have the same length, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ label = kwargs.get('label', 'Or') if not operands: return Trace(label) samples = list() for t in zip(*operands): samples.append(int(any(t))) return Trace(label, samples)
[docs]def priority(*operands: Trace | Iterable, **kwargs: Any) -> Trace: """ Returns a new trace with the priority numbers defined by the order of the given *operands*, and determined from the ``Truth=1`` values of the given *operands*. The priority starts with ``0`` as the *highest* priority number for the ``Truth=1`` values of the first given iterable operand to the lowest priority number determined by the number of the given *operands*. The iterable *operands* must contain either boolean values or integer values ``1`` or ``0``. :param Trace | Iterable operands: trace or iterable to prioritize :keyword int highest: optional number for the highest priority. Default is ``0``. :keyword str label: optional trace label to set. Default is ``'Priority'``. .. note:: The *operands* should have the same length, otherwise only a subset of the signal :attr:`samples` is returned! """ label = kwargs.get('label', 'Priority') if not operands: return Trace(label, list()) highest = int(kwargs.get('highest', 0)) lowest = len(operands) + highest samples = list() for t in zip(*operands): try: samples.append(tuple(map(int, t)).index(1) + highest) except ValueError: samples.append(lowest) return Trace(label, samples)
[docs]def as_traces(samples: Sequence[dict[str, Any]]) -> dict[str, list[Sample]]: """ Converts the list of samples into the trace format.""" if not samples: return dict() names = list(samples[0].keys()) trace = defaultdict(list) for sample in samples: for name in names: trace[name].append(sample[name]) return dict(trace)
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class Traces(MutableMapping): """ Base data class for a collection of traces with mutable mapping support. """
[docs] def labels(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Returns a tuple of the trace labels in the collection.""" return tuple([trace.label for trace in self.values()])
[docs] def relabel(self, label: str) -> Traces: """ Relabels the all traces with in the collection by keeping the last part of the trace :attr:`~Trace.label` unchanged and the rest replaced by the base *label*. :param str label: base label to set for the traces in the collection """ for field_ in fields(self): trace = getattr(self, if isinstance(trace, Trace): trace.label = f"{label}:{trace.label.split(':')[-1]}" return self
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Trace): self.__dict__[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Trace: return self.__dict__[key] def __delitem__(self, key: str): raise NotImplemented() def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: return iter(self.__dict__) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.__dict__)
[docs] def fields(self) -> tuple[Field, ...]: """ Returns a tuple describing the fields of the data class.""" return fields(self)
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Returns the collection of traces as a dictionary. """ return asdict(self)
[docs] def as_tuple(self) -> tuple[Any, ...]: """ Returns the collection of traces as a tuple. """ return astuple(self)
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class StatisticsTraces(Traces): """ Collection of :class:`Statistics` traces for a set of signal samples statistically analyzed.""" #: Arithmetic mean of the set (1st common moment). mean: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Linear weighted mean of the set. weighted_mean: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Median of the set. median: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Mode of the set. mode: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Root mean square of the set rms: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Minimum in the set. minimum: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Maximum in the set maximum: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Range of the set. range: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Mid-range of the set. midrange: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical absolute error of the set (1st central moment). absolute_error: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical biased sample variance of the set (2nd central moment). variance: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical biased sample standard deviation of the set. deviation: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical biased sample coefficient of variation of the set. coefficient: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical biased sample skew of the set (3rd central moment). skew: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical biased sample kurtosis of the set (4th central moment). kurtosis: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace)
[docs] def figure(self, index: Optional[int] = None, n: Optional[int] = None, original: Optional[Trace] = None, subplots: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None) -> go.Figure: """ Returns a figure of subplots for the traces in the collection. :param int index: optional start index of the samples to plot :param int n: optional number of samples to plot :param Trace original: optional original trace to add to the plot :param dict subplots: optional dictionary with the settings for the subplots """ # base subplots configuration subplots_ = dict( rows=6, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, row_heights=(3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), vertical_spacing=0.01, x_title='samples') if subplots is not None: subplots_.update(subplots) fig = make_subplots(**subplots_) # row 1 if isinstance(original, Trace): fig.add_trace(original.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.mean.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.weighted_mean.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.median.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.mode.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.midrange.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.rms.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.minimum.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.maximum.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) # row 2 fig.add_trace(self.range.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=2, col=1) # row 3 fig.add_trace(self.absolute_error.plot(index, n), row=3, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.variance.plot(index, n), row=3, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.deviation.plot(index, n), row=3, col=1) # row 4 fig.add_trace(self.coefficient.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=4, col=1) # row 5 fig.add_trace(self.skew.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=5, col=1) # row 6 fig.add_trace(self.kurtosis.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=6, col=1) # base layout configuration fig.update_layout( height=960, margin=dict(t=50, b=60, l=50, r=50) ) return fig
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class MovingAverageTraces(StatisticsTraces): """ Collection of :class:`Statistics` traces for signal samples processed with a simple moving average. """
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class SetTraces(StatisticsTraces): """ Collection of :class:`Statistics` traces for the combined set of multiple signal samples."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_traces(cls, *operands: Operand, **kwargs: Any) -> SetTraces: """ Returns the collection of :class:`Statistics` traces computed over the combined sets of the *operands*. An operand can be either a number or an array-like iterable. :param operands: operands to compute the statistics with :type operands: tuple[Operand, ...] :keyword str label: optional traces base label to set .. note:: All iterable *operands* must have the same length, otherwise only a subset of the operand values is returned! """ instance = cls(**combine(*operands, **kwargs)) label = kwargs.get('label') if label is not None: return instance.relabel(label) else: return instance
[docs]def combine(*operands: Operand, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Trace]: """ Returns a dictionary with the traces for the statistics results computed over the combined sets of *operands*. An operand can be either a number or an array-like iterable. :param Operand operands: operands to compute the statistics with :type operands: tuple[Operand, ...] :keyword str label: optional trace label stem to set .. note:: All iterable *operands* must have the same length, otherwise only a subset of the operand values is returned! """ if not operands: return dict() samples = list() for values in zip(*map(vectorize, operands)): trace = Trace(samples=values) mean = trace.mean() minimum = trace.min() maximum = trace.max() deviation = trace.std(center=mean) result = Statistics( mean=mean, weighted_mean=trace.weighted_mean(), median=trace.median(), mode=trace.mode(), rms=trace.rms(), minimum=trace.min(), maximum=trace.max(), range=maximum - minimum, midrange=trace.midrange(), absolute_error=sum(abs(trace - mean)), variance=trace.variance(center=mean), deviation=trace.std(center=mean), coefficient=trace.coefficient(center=mean, std=deviation), skew=trace.skew(center=mean, std=deviation), kurtosis=trace.kurtosis(center=mean, std=deviation) ) samples.append(asdict(result)) traces = dict() label = kwargs.get('label', 'SetTrace') for key, value in as_traces(samples).items(): traces[key] = Trace(label=f'{label}:{key}', samples=value) return traces
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True, order=True, frozen=True) class Statistics: """ Statistics results.""" #: Arithmetic mean of the set (1st common moment) mean: float = 0.0 #: Weighted mean of the set weighted_mean: float = 0.0 #: Median of the set median: float = 0.0 #: Mode of the set mode: float = 0.0 #: Root mean square of the set rms: float = 0.0 #: Minimum in the set minimum: float = 0.0 #: Maximum in the set maximum: float = 0.0 #: Range of the set range: float = 0.0 #: Mid-range of the set midrange: float = 0.0 #: Empirical absolute error of the set (1st central moment). absolute_error: float = 0.0 #: Empirical biased sample variance of the set (2nd central moment). variance: float = 0.0 #: Empirical biased sample standard deviation of the set. deviation: float = 0.0 #: Empirical biased sample coefficient of variation of the set. coefficient: float = 0.0 #: Empirical biased sample skew of the set (3rd central moment). skew: float = 0.0 #: Empirical biased sample kurtosis of the set (4th central moment). kurtosis: float = 0.0
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class VectorTraces(Traces): """ Collection of traces for two signal samples converted into a vector represented in polar coordinates. """ #: Trace with cartesian x-coordinates of the vector x: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Trace with cartesian y-coordinates of the vector y: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Trace with radii of the vector r: Trace | None = field(default=None) #: Trace with angles of the vector in radians [-pi..pi] phi: Trace | None = field(default=None) #: Trace with angles of the vector in degree [0..360]. theta: Trace | None = field(default=None) #: Trace with delta angles of the consecutive x,y-points in radians [-pi..pi] delta_phi: Trace | None = field(default=None) #: Trace with euclidean distances of the consecutive x,y-points. distance: Trace | None = field(default=None) #: Trace with dot products of the consecutive x,y-points. dot: Trace | None = field(default=None) def __post_init__(self) -> None: # dictionary with the vector results vector = polar(self.x, self.y) if self.r is None: self['r'] = vector.get('r', Trace(label='Vector:r')) if self.phi is None: self['phi'] = vector.get('phi', Trace(label='Vector:phi')) if self.theta is None: self['theta'] = vector.get('theta', Trace(label='Vector:theta')) self.delta_phi = Trace('Vector:delta_phi') self.distance = Trace('Vector:distance') = Trace('Vector:dot') for angles in self.phi.window(2): # angular velocity omega = angles[1] - angles[0] if omega > math.pi: omega -= 2 * math.pi elif omega < -math.pi: omega += 2 * math.pi self.delta_phi.samples.append(omega) for coordinates in zip(self.x.window(2), self.y.window(2)): points = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(coordinates[0], coordinates[1])] self.distance.samples.append(math.dist(*points))*points))
[docs] def plot(self, index: Optional[int] = None, n: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> go.Scatterpolar: """ Returns the scatter polar plot of the vector traces. :param int index: optional start index of the samples to plot :param int n: optional number of samples to plot """ # pack r,theta-pairs pairs = list(zip(self.r, self.theta)) if pairs: # slice pairs index = 0 if index is None else max(0, index) if n is None: pairs = pairs[index:] elif n <= 0: pairs = pairs[index:index + 1] else: pairs = pairs[index:index + n] # unpack r,theta-pairs r, theta = zip(*pairs) else: r = list() theta = list() # default settings settings = dict( r=r, theta=theta, name='Vector', mode='lines+markers' ) # create plot with default settings _plot = go.Scatterpolar(**settings) # update plot return _plot.update(kwargs)
[docs]def polar(x: Trace, y: Trace, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Trace]: """ Returns a dictionary with the traces for the two *x*, *y* signal samples converted into a vector represented in polar coordinates. :param Trace x: cartesian x-coordinate signal trace of the vector :param Trace y: cartesian y-coordinate signal trace of the vector :keyword str label: optional traces base label to set. Default is ``Vector``. """ samples = list() for p in zip(x, y): vector = Point2D(*p).as_vector() samples.append(asdict(vector)) traces = dict() label = kwargs.get('label', 'Vector') for key, value in as_traces(samples).items(): traces[key] = Trace(label=f'{label}:{key}', samples=value) if not traces: for item in fields(Vector): traces[] = Trace(label=f'{label}:{}') return traces
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class Vector: """ Vector representation by polar coordinates.""" #: Radius of the vector. r: float = 0.0 #: Angle of the vector in radians [-pi..+pi]. phi: float = 0.0 #: Angle of the vector in degrees [0..360]. theta: Optional[float] = None def __post_init__(self) -> None: if self.theta is None: angel = float(np.degrees(self.phi)) self.theta = angel + 360.0 if angel < 0.0 else angel
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True, order=True) class Point2D: """ 2-dimensional point representation by cartesian coordinates.""" #: X-coordinate of the 2-dimensional point. x: int = 0.0 #: Y-coordinate of the 2-dimensional point. y: float = 0.0 @property def r(self): """ Radius of the 2-dimensional point.""" return math.sqrt(self.x ** 2 + self.y ** 2) @property def phi(self): """ Angle of the 2-dimensional point in radians [-pi..+pi].""" return float(np.arctan2(self.y, self.x)) @property def theta(self): """ Angle of the 2-dimensional point in degrees [0..360].""" angel = float(np.degrees(self.phi)) return angel + 360.0 if angel < 0 else angel
[docs] def as_vector(self): """ Returns a :class:`Vector` for the 2-dimensional point.""" return Vector(self.r, self.phi)
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Returns the 2-dimensional point as a dictionary.""" return asdict(self)
[docs] def as_tuple(self) -> tuple[Any, ...]: """ Returns the 2-dimensional point as a tuple.""" return astuple(self)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[int, float]]: """ Returns an iterator over the coordinates of the 2-dimensional point. """ return iter(astuple(self)) def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[int, float]]: """ Returns a reverse iterator over the coordinates of the 2-dimensional point. """ return reversed(astuple(self))
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True, order=True) class Point3D(Point2D): """ 3-dimensional point representation by cartesian coordinates.""" #: X-coordinate of the 3-dimensional point. x: int = 0.0 #: Y-coordinate of the 3-dimensional point. y: float = 0.0 #: Z-coordinate of the 3-dimensional point. z: float = 0.0 @property def r(self) -> float: """ Radius of the 3-dimensional point.""" return math.hypot(self.x, self.y, self.z)
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Returns the 3-dimensional point as a dictionary.""" return asdict(self)
[docs] def as_tuple(self) -> tuple[Any, ...]: """ Returns the 3-dimensional point as a tuple.""" return astuple(self)
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[int, float, float]]: """ Returns an iterator over the coordinates of the 3-dimensional point. """ return iter(astuple(self)) def __reversed__(self) -> Iterator[tuple[int, float, float]]: """ Returns a reverse iterator over the coordinates of the 3-dimensional point. """ return reversed(astuple(self))
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class SlewRateLimiterTraces(Traces): """ Collection of :class:`SlewRateLimiter` traces for signal samples processed with a slew-rate limiter. """ #: Slew-rate limited signal level value. level: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Signal deviation. deviation: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Slew-rate limiter active ``(0: signal unlimited, 1: signal limited)``. active: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace)
[docs] def figure(self, index: Optional[int] = None, n: Optional[int] = None, original: Optional[Trace] = None, subplots: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None) -> go.Figure: """ Returns a figure of subplots for the traces. :param int index: optional start index of the samples to plot :param int n: optional number of samples to plot :param Trace original: optional original trace to add to the plot :param dict subplots: optional dictionary with the settings for the subplots """ # base subplots configuration subplots_ = dict( rows=3, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, row_heights=(2, 0.5, 0.25), vertical_spacing=0.01, x_title='samples') if subplots is not None: subplots_.update(subplots) fig = make_subplots(**subplots_) # row 1 if isinstance(original, Trace): fig.add_trace(original.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.level.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) # row 2 fig.add_trace(self.deviation.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=2, col=1) # row 3 fig.add_trace(, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=3, col=1) # base layout configuration fig.update_layout( height=800, margin=dict(t=50, b=60, l=50, r=50) ) return fig
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class SlewRateLimiter: """ Slew-rate limiter results.""" #: Slew-rate limited signal level value. level: float = 0.0 #: Signal deviation. deviation: float = 0.0 #: Slew-rate limiter active ``(0: signal unlimited, 1: signal limited)``. active: int = 0
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class AlphaBetaFilterTraces(Traces): """ Collection of :class:`AlphaBetaFilter` traces for signal samples filtered with an alpha-beta filter. """ #: Signal forecast value. forecast: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Sign of the signal forecast ``(-1: negative, 0: zero, 1: positive)``. forecast_sign: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Signal level value. level: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Sign of the signal level ``(-1: negative, 0: zero, 1: positive)``. level_sign: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Signal trend value. trend: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Sign of the signal trend ``(-1: negative, 0: zero, 1: positive)``. trend_sign: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Inflection of the signal prognosis trend ``(1: increase, -1: decrease)``. trend_inflection: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Signal prognosis error. error: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Signal forecast variance reduction factor. variance_forecast: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Signal level variance reduction factor. variance_level: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Signal trend variance reduction factor. variance_trend: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace)
[docs] def figure(self, index: Optional[int] = None, n: Optional[int] = None, original: Optional[Trace] = None, subplots: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None) -> go.Figure: """ Returns a figure of subplots for the traces. :param int index: optional start index of the samples to plot :param int n: optional number of samples to plot :param Trace original: optional original trace to add to the plot :param dict subplots: optional dictionary with the settings for the subplots """ # base subplots configuration subplots_ = dict( rows=8, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, row_heights=(3, 0.25, 0.25, 1.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 0.25), vertical_spacing=0.01, x_title='samples') if subplots is not None: subplots_.update(subplots) fig = make_subplots(**subplots_) # row 1 if isinstance(original, Trace): fig.add_trace(original.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.forecast.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.level.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) # row 2 fig.add_trace(, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=2, col=1) # row 3 fig.add_trace(, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=3, col=1) # row 4 fig.add_trace(self.trend.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=4, col=1) # row 5 fig.add_trace(, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=5, col=1) # row 6 fig.add_trace(, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=6, col=1) # row 7 fig.add_trace(self.error.plot(index, n), row=7, col=1) # row 8 fig.add_trace(self.variance_forecast.plot(index, n), row=8, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.variance_level.plot(index, n), row=8, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.variance_trend.plot(index, n), row=8, col=1) # base layout configuration fig.update_layout( height=900, margin=dict(t=50, b=60, l=50, r=50) ) return fig
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class AlphaBetaFilter: """ Alpha-beta filter results.""" #: Signal forecast value. forecast: float = 0.0 #: Sign of the signal forecast ``(-1: negative, 0: zero, 1: positive)``. forecast_sign: float = 0 #: Signal level value. level: float = 0.0 #: Sign of the signal level ``(-1: negative, 0: zero, 1: positive)``. level_sign: float = 0.0 #: Signal trend value. trend: float = 0.0 #: Sign of the signal trend ``(-1: negative, 0: zero, 1: positive)``. trend_sign: float = 0.0 #: Inflection of the signal prognosis trend ``(1: increase, -1: decrease)``. trend_inflection: float = 0.0 #: Signal prediction error value. error: float = 0.0 #: Signal forecast variance reduction factor. variance_forecast: float = 0.0 #: Signal level variance reduction factor. variance_level: float = 0.0 #: Signal trend variance reduction factor. variance_trend: float = 0.0
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class ExponentialSmoothingTraces(Traces): """ Collection of :class:`ExponentialSmoothing` traces for signal samples processed with a 2nd-order exponential smoothing. """ #: Signal forecast value. forecast: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Sign of the signal forecast ``(-1: negative, 0: zero, 1: positive)``. forecast_sign: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Signal level value. level: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Sign of the signal level ``(-1: negative, 0: zero, 1: positive)``. level_sign: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Signal prognosis value for the first-order exponential smoothing. prognosis1: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Signal prognosis value for the second-order exponential smoothing. prognosis2: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Signal prognosis value of the exponential smoothing. prognosis: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: First-order exponentially smoothed signal value. smoothed1: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Second-order exponentially smoothed signal value. smoothed2: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Signal prognosis trend value. trend: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Sign of the signal trend ``(-1: negative, 0: zero, 1: positive)``. trend_sign: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Inflection of the signal prognosis trend ``(1: increase, -1: decrease)``. trend_inflection: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Signal prognosis error. error: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Signal prognosis correction. correction: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical absolute error of the distribution (1st central moment). absolute_error: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical variance of the distribution (2nd central moment). variance: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical standard deviation of the distribution. deviation: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical skew of the distribution (3rd central moment). skew: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical kurtosis of the distribution (4th central moment). kurtosis: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace)
[docs] def figure(self, index: Optional[int] = None, n: Optional[int] = None, original: Optional[Trace] = None, subplots: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None) -> go.Figure: """ Returns a figure of subplots for the traces. :param int index: optional start index of the samples to plot :param int n: optional number of samples to plot :param Trace original: optional original trace to add to the plot :param dict subplots: optional dictionary with the settings for the subplots """ # base subplots configuration subplots_ = dict( rows=10, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, row_heights=(3, 0.25, 0.25, 1.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, 1, 0.75), vertical_spacing=0.01, x_title='samples') if subplots is not None: subplots_.update(subplots) fig = make_subplots(**subplots_) # row 1 if isinstance(original, Trace): fig.add_trace(original.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.forecast.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.level.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.prognosis1.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.prognosis2.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.smoothed1.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.smoothed2.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) # row 2 fig.add_trace(, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=2, col=1) # row 3 fig.add_trace(, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=3, col=1) # row 4 fig.add_trace(self.trend.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=4, col=1) # row 5 fig.add_trace(, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=5, col=1) # row 6 fig.add_trace(, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=6, col=1) # row 7 fig.add_trace(self.error.plot(index, n), row=7, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.correction.plot(index, n), row=7, col=1) # row 8 fig.add_trace(self.absolute_error.plot(index, n), row=8, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.variance.plot(index, n), row=8, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.deviation.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=8, col=1) # row 9 fig.add_trace(self.skew.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=9, col=1) # row 10 fig.add_trace(self.kurtosis.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=10, col=1) # base layout configuration fig.update_layout( height=1440, margin=dict(t=50, b=60, l=50, r=50) ) return fig
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class ExponentialSmoothing: """ 2nd-order exponential smoothing results.""" #: Signal forecast value. forecast: float = 0.0 #: Sign of the signal level ``(-1: negative, 0: zero, 1: positive)``. forecast_sign: float = 0 #: Signal level value. level: float = 0.0 #: Sign of the signal level ``(-1: negative, 0: zero, 1: positive)``. level_sign: float = 0.0 #: Signal prognosis value for the first-order exponential smoothing. prognosis1: float = 0.0 #: Signal prognosis value for the second-order exponential smoothing. prognosis2: float = 0.0 #: Signal prognosis value of the exponential smoothing. prognosis: float = 0.0 #: First-order exponentially smoothed signal value. smoothed1: float = 0.0 #: Second-order exponentially smoothed signal value. smoothed2: float = 0.0 #: Signal prognosis trend value. trend: float = 0.0 #: Sign of the signal trend ``(-1: negative, 0: zero, 1: positive)``. trend_sign: float = 0.0 #: Inflection of the signal prognosis trend ``(1: increase, -1: decrease)``. trend_inflection: float = 0.0 #: Signal prognosis error. error: float = 0.0 #: Signal prognosis correction. correction: float = 0.0 #: Empirical absolute error of the distribution (1st central moment). absolute_error: float = 0.0 #: Empirical variance of the distribution (2nd central moment). variance: float = 0.0 #: Empirical standard deviation of the distribution. deviation: float = 0.0 #: Empirical skew of the distribution (3rd central moment). skew: float = 0.0 #: Empirical kurtosis of the distribution (4th central moment). kurtosis: float = 0.0
[docs]@dataclass(eq=False) class LinearRegressionTraces(Traces): """ Collection of :class:`LinearRegression` traces for signal samples processed with a moving linear regression. """ #: Current y-coordinate of the approximated line. level: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Slope of the approximated line. slope: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Y-intercept of the approximated line. intercept: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Arithmetic mean of the y-coordinate values of the approximated line. mean: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Median of the y-coordinate values of the approximated line. median: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Minimum of the y-coordinate values of the approximated line. minimum: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Maximum of the y-coordinate values of the approximated line. maximum: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Range of the y-coordinate values of the approximated line. range: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Current error from the approximated line. error: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Maximal negative y-coordinate error from the approximated line. negative_error: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Maximal positive y-coordinate error from the approximated line. positive_error: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical absolute error of the distribution (1st central moment). absolute_error: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical variance of the distribution (2nd central moment). variance: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical standard deviation of the distribution. deviation: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical skew of the distribution (3rd central moment). skew: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace) #: Empirical kurtosis of the distribution (4th central moment). kurtosis: Trace = field(default_factory=Trace)
[docs] def figure(self, index: Optional[int] = None, n: Optional[int] = None, original: Optional[Trace] = None, subplots: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None) -> go.Figure: """ Returns a figure of subplots for the traces in the collection. :param int index: optional start index of the samples to plot :param int n: optional number of samples to plot :param Trace original: optional original trace to add to the plot :param dict subplots: optional dictionary with the settings for the subplots """ # base subplots configuration subplots_ = dict( rows=7, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True, row_heights=(5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), vertical_spacing=0.01, x_title='samples') if subplots is not None: subplots_.update(subplots) fig = make_subplots(**subplots_) # row 1 if isinstance(original, Trace): fig.add_trace(original.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.level.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.mean.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.median.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.maximum.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.minimum.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.intercept.plot(index, n), row=1, col=1) # row 2 fig.add_trace(self.range.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=2, col=1) # row 3 fig.add_trace(self.slope.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=3, col=1) # row 4 fig.add_trace(self.error.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=4, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.positive_error.plot(index, n), row=4, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.negative_error.plot(index, n), row=4, col=1) # row 5 fig.add_trace(self.absolute_error.plot(index, n), row=5, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.variance.plot(index, n), row=5, col=1) fig.add_trace(self.deviation.plot(index, n), row=5, col=1) # row 6 fig.add_trace(self.skew.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=6, col=1) # row 7 fig.add_trace(self.kurtosis.plot(index, n, fill='tozeroy'), row=7, col=1) # base layout configuration fig.update_layout( height=1000, margin=dict(t=50, b=60, l=50, r=50) ) return fig
[docs]@dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class LinearRegression: """ Linear regression results.""" #: Current y-coordinate of the approximated line. level: float = 0.0 #: Slope of the approximated line. slope: float = 0.0 #: Y-intercept of the approximated line. intercept: float = 0.0 #: Arithmetic mean of the y-coordinate values of the approximated line. mean: float = 0.0 #: Median of the y-coordinate values of the approximated line. median: float = 0.0 #: Minimum of the y-coordinate values of the approximated line. minimum: float = 0.0 #: Maximum of the y-coordinate values of the approximated line. maximum: float = 0.0 #: Range of the y-coordinate values of the approximated line. range: float = 0.0 #: Current error from the approximated line. error: float = 0.0 #: Maximal negative y-coordinate error from the approximated line. negative_error: float = 0.0 #: Maximal positive y-coordinate error from the approximated line. positive_error: float = 0.0 #: Empirical absolute error of the distribution (1st central moment). absolute_error: float = 0.0 #: Empirical variance of the distribution (2nd central moment). variance: float = 0.0 #: Empirical standard deviation of the distribution. deviation: float = 0.0 #: Empirical skew of the distribution (3rd central moment). skew: float = 0.0 #: Empirical kurtosis of the distribution (4th central moment). kurtosis: float = 0.0