Slew-Rate Limiter Traces#

The slew-rate limiter trace collection is used to store the resulting signal traces produced by the slew-rate limiter of the signal samples of a signal trace.

Create the Trace Collection#

You can create an slew-rate limiter trace collection without samples by calling the SlewRateLimiterTraces class.

>>> # create an empty slew-rate limiter trace collection
>>> traces = SlewRateLimiterTraces()
>>> traces
SlewRateLimiterTraces(level=Trace(label='Trace', samples=[]),
                      deviation=Trace(label='Trace', samples=[]),
                      active=Trace(label='Trace', samples=[]))

Number of Traces#

You can get the number of the traces in the SlewRateLimiterTraces collection with the built-in function len().

>>> # number of traces in the collection
>>> len(traces)

Names of the Traces#

You can get the list with the names of the traces in the SlewRateLimiterTraces collection.

A list with the key names of the traces is returned.

>>> # key names of the traces in the collection
>>> list(traces)
>>> # key names of the traces in the collection
>>> list(traces.keys())

Level Trace#

You can get the level Trace with the level attribute from the SlewRateLimiterTraces collection.

The Trace with the level samples is returned.

>>> # level trace by attribute
>>> traces.level
Trace(label='Trace', samples=[])
>>> # level trace by key
>>> traces['level']
Trace(label='Trace', samples=[])

Deviation Trace#

You can get the deviation Trace with the deviation attribute from the SlewRateLimiterTraces collection.

The Trace with the deviation samples is returned.

>>> # deviation trace by attribute
>>> traces.deviation
Trace(label='Trace', samples=[])
>>> # deviation trace by key
>>> traces['deviation']
Trace(label='Trace', samples=[])

Active Trace#

You can get the active Trace with the active attribute from the SlewRateLimiterTraces collection.

The Trace with the active samples is returned.

>>> # active trace by attribute
Trace(label='Trace', samples=[])
>>> # active trace by key
>>> traces['active']
Trace(label='Trace', samples=[])